No minimum fees. Lowest prices. Cancel anytime.

Our pricing is built for businesses of all shapes & sizes.

Large payments volume or unique business models? Talk with us

per transaction screened
Post-transaction screening
Dozens of pre-configured rules
Detect & mitigate fraud
Talk with us
$9 to $29
per alert processed
Fully managed Ethoca and Verifi
100% valid alert guarantee
Automations & workflows
Talk with us
per chargeback won
Automatically respond to disputes
Only pay for won disputes
Completely hands-off
Talk with us


Do you have any minimum fees?

We pride ourselves on transparent and value-based pricing. So all our billing is prorated to the penny or cent. We won't charge you for anything we haven't provided.

Do you offer volume discounts?

Yes. Our publicly listed pricing is suitable for most small to medium sized businesses. But for larger businesses or unique business models we design custom programs to deliver the best ROI.

Do you offer trial periods?

Due to the nature of the product we don't offer any free-trials or discounts. However we can always offer a free demo, and remember our pricing is fully prorated so you'll never charged for anything you haven't used.

Can I cancel at anytime?

Yes you're free to leave at anytime, we don't believe in lock-ins as a way to retain customers or revenue. If you wish to leave to another provider we're happy to work with them to ensure a seamless handover.

Can I move to you from another prevention alerts or chargeback management provider?

Yes, get in touch with our team and we can work with your existing provider to ensure a seamless handover and continuation of coverage.

I have another questions that isn't listed here

No worries, contact us and we'll be more than happy to assist.